Why Follow Jesus? Why Not?

Why would anyone choose to follow Jesus? Why would anyone want to have their priorities changed, even the way they are living? Why would anyone desire to connect with their Creator in a real and personal relationship?
I guess my question is really why wouldn’t they? The answer is many faceted and diverse, but ultimately I believe it comes down to a few things. The first is that the current influence of Christians is so weak, so watered down that there’s very little implication of life-change. Modern Christians, in particular American Christians but also world wide, spend so much of their time, money and resources trying to fit in to their culture that many have become indistinguishable from everyone else. Others talk a big game but rely on social media or activism to share their faith instead of actually loving people. And lastly, but I think is the most damning to Christians, is the lack of grace, compassion and acceptance of those outside of the church. So many visitors to churches around the world report a sense of judgement and condemnation and general un-welcomeness when they visited a church. The church is not called to be a social club, or a spiritual library but a training camp for the spread of the Gospel and of Jesus’ love. John 13 says that others will know we are Christians by our love. The world throws the book at us all everyday. Inside and outside the church there is pain, suffering, poor decisions, and consequences…but rarely will someone be loved beyond their sins. Rarely will someone be loved beyond their past. Rarely will someone be loved beyond their race, skin color, gender, or sexual preference. Even though we as humans all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and know God’s heart and slant against sin, even He loved us sinners in the midst of our filth when He sent His son Jesus to die for us. For all people, no matter what their struggles. And that should give us hope! And that hope should be lived out in love for our neighbors.
So, why would anyone choose to follow Jesus? Why would anyone want to have their priorities changed, even the way they are living? Why would anyone desire to connect with their Creator in a real and personal relationship? Because we all have an unquenchable desire to be loved. And as long as we dwell in these fleshly bodies we will be imperfect at loving each other. But the love of God shown by His son Jesus, that is true love, unconditional-come as you are-love. That is the only difference between us all. No amount of biblical knowledge or pious living can replace the call we have all been given to love someone, in spite of and despite of their sins. We don’t overlook the fact that we all have sin, but that we start the journey with Jesus the great physician knowing we are sick. I hope you will let Him heal you today. And if you’ve been healed, give credit where credit is due! You did not heal yourself but have been healed and are called to point others to Him who healed you.

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